Hi Everyone, welcome to my website, so nice to have you visit.
My recent creative adventures are writing short stories on how my spiritual experiences have influenced and helped my life through it's various stages. Stay tuned for the coming postings...
My most recent travels to Egypt with the Soul of Egypt tours. I highly recommend them because it is small groups and we were very well taken care of. My previous travels to the Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in Chartres, France; to Brazil to visit John of God; and to Hawaii for a conference with the late Ram Das, and the trip to Damanhur, Italy to visit the Temples to Human Kind which are subterranean works of art dedicated to spirituality, harmony and beauty. The visit to Damanhur gave me the opportunity experience gave me to be taught by physicists delving into sacred geometry, and how working with the elements of nature, can bring us all to a better spiritual understanding of how to live in this life. All these trips have had profound effects on me and I want to encourage those of you who are interested in spiritual endeavors to continue your journey.
To read more about my spiritual psychology background, along with my entertainment resume, please visit my Biography page
Please enjoy the Sculpting page, I find working in clay to be very, very fulfilling.
Wishing you all a Happy, Productive and Expansive Life.
