After walking the Labyrinth in Chartres, France I realized I wanted to bring the experience of walking the Labyrinth to the Los Angeles area. I discovered that walking the Labryinth can provide a very deep and profound meditative experience, and wanted to share that with others. Upon my return to the US I became a Certified Labryinth Facilitator through Dr. Lauren Artress' (Grace Catherdral - San Francisco) organization Veriditas.
The photo above was taken at the North Hollywood Church of Religious Science - Centers for Spiritual Living in North Hollywood, California. We provide Labyrinth Walks twice a year, and the next dates will be posted as soon as they are confirmed.
The Labyrinth is a meditative walking experience following a path to the center Rose Petal, or, as I like to call it, The Heart of Love, where you receive your inspiration, and walk it back out into your life returning on the same path. While walking some people have come to deep and profound self- awareness, and some people have just enjoyed the silence of a personal walk. Whatever you experience, please know that the Labyrinth can be a metaphor for your life. If you feel stuck, lost or unsure while walking you can ask yourself, “ Where do I experience that same feeling in my own life.” Be assured that the Labyrinth is here to assist you, to call forth in you that which needs to be known. That is its gift. That is its grace.
Again, welcome to the Labyrinth.